The primary source for Colorado population and demographic information
The State Demography Office provides population estimates and forecasts for Colorado’s regions, counties, and municipalities developed by the State Demography Office and the U.S. Census Bureau.
You can access data visualizations, data spreadsheets, data lookup applications, data spreadsheets, data links, and technical documentation by topic or geography by clicking on one of the buttons on the left.
The State Demography Office wants to ensure everyone is able to access the information they need. If you feel this site is not accessible to you, please click on the "Contact SDO" button below and we will be happy to assist you.
Contact SDOThe following page shows graphs and charts for various datasets for Colorado, multi-county regions, and counties. Select the geography type and geography from the list below. You can hover over specific data points on each graph to view the data for that specific point.
Click on the download icon on the left of each chart to download the chart, the underlying data, and links to the data source.Population Estimates
Population Forecasts and Projections
Births, Deaths and Net Migration
Net Migration by Age
Population by Age Group
Population Change by Age Group